Hot Tips To Stay Cool This Summer!
By Tori F. It’s almost that time again! Warmer weather is upon us here in Austin. While Summer doesn’t technically start for a few more weeks, there are a few tricks you can adopt NOW so you’re not fighting to stay cool during those toasty summer months. Did you know? Heat-related injuries like heat stroke and heat […]

Pandemic Brain: What Is It? – And How Do I Fix It?
Do you ever feel like you’ve had more trouble concentrating lately? Or that it’s harder to make decisions than it used to be? Research shows that we’re still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including an increasingly common phenomenon called “pandemic brain.”

The 5 Best Places in Austin To Get Some Peace and Quiet
If you’ve been looking for an escape from the stress of Austin living, look no further. Here are the 5 best places in Austin to get some peace and quiet.

5 Reasons To Go Makeup-Free for One Week – Or Longer!
Some women love wearing makeup. It makes them feel good about themselves or gives them an outlet for self-expression and that’s great! But if you’re wearing makeup every day because you’re self-conscious or you think that it’s just the ‘normal’ thing to do, you might be wearing it for the wrong reasons.

What’s the Best Skincare Regimen for Both Acne and Fine Lines and Wrinkles?
Many women in their 30s, 40s and even 50s still have acne. It’s also a time when we start to develop fine lines and, eventually, wrinkles. So, what do you do when your skin is suffering from both acne and signs of aging at the same time?

How to Stick to Your Fitness Plan: 5 Tips for Staying Motivated
If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s Resolution, you’re not alone. One survey found that 55% of respondents kept their New Year’s resolution for less than a year, with 11% lasting less than a month.
If you’ve given up on your fitness goals for this year, you don’t have to wait until the new year to get back on track. It’s never too late to start over.

Ending a Long-Term Friendship
It is critical to our mental health to have people in our lives that provide us with practical and emotional support. But our support system must change as we do, and this makes it necessary to reach out and connect with others. This also necessitates ending friendships that no longer serve and detract from our innate needs.

Feeling Judged for Remaining Child-Free
“I do not want children. Simple. I am okay with my decision, of course, but I still struggle with feeling judged by others.” If this sounds like your situation, we are sad that you are feeling pressured because of your personal choice to remain child-free, but we want you to know you are far from being alone with it.

Sudden Adult Acne
If you are experiencing adult-onset acne, there are some practical measures that you can take that can help you reduce and prevent skin breakouts.

Is Stress Making Me Forgetful?
When we are feeling anxious, our bodies respond by releasing a natural (and helpful!) stress hormone called cortisol. It only becomes a problem when we experience too much stress and are overloaded with cortisol.