Meditation: What’s It All About and Does It Actually Work?
Most people know one thing about meditation: that it involves clearing your mind. No wonder people find it so intimidating! Who can completely clear their mind? Well, it takes some time, but you can do it with meditation.
Am I Too Old to Dress the Way I Do?
Our clothing and hairstyle choices are a big part of self-expression. So, why do we commonly hear women say, “I want to keep my style and be who I am. But I feel judged, especially by other moms. Am I really too old to dress the way I do, or to have brightly colored hair?”
How to Overcome the Fear of Starting Over Later in Life
Is fear holding you back from starting over in life? Maybe you want to go back to work after raising your children, or after a divorce. Maybe you want to change career paths, or you may be thinking about starting your own business. You have probably done all your research, and you know what steps to take to move forward, but it requires being flexible – and when fear sets in it can be paralyzing.
Is Stress Making Me Forgetful?
When we are feeling anxious, our bodies respond by releasing a natural (and helpful!) stress hormone called cortisol. It only becomes a problem when we experience too much stress and are overloaded with cortisol.