How to Embrace Your Natural Beauty

Have you ever looked at an elderly loved one and thought that you would love her more if she had fewer wrinkles? Of course not. What shines through your loved one’s eyes is her vitality – her natural beauty – who she is.
Vitality goes way beyond skin-deep, but sadly, today’s women are pressured to look as youthful as possible, and for as long as possible. Together, we can dispel that myth and embrace what truly matters.
Vitality has a lot to do with being strong and active, but it is also an energy – an embracement of natural beauty from the depths of oneself. It has nothing to do with aging. Nothing at all.
Ways to Embrace your Natural Beauty (Who You Are)
Natural beauty has a deep-seated root – it comes from within. It comes from acceptance of oneself. It comes from self-care. It comes from sheer determination to love and take care of oneself regardless of any worldview of beauty.
Here are some ways to support and embrace your natural beauty:
Practice Accepting Yourself as You Are
We all have strengths and beautiful qualities that uniquely make us who we are. This is the place where we take control of our thoughts, and we remove influence from the world. This is the place where we define ourselves.
This is where we are mindful of our self-esteem, our outlook on life, our focus on what really matters to us individually. It comes from within.
What are the qualities and values that are most important for you to adhere to? Embrace those qualities and values and live your life according to them. This is your TRUE beauty!
This is what shines through your eyes. This is what others see.
Surround Yourself with Positive People
Do you love others because they are physically beautiful, or do you love them because they are positive people that give your soul a lift? Surround yourself with those that are positive – people that radiate warmth.
Focus outward and support others. One of the most powerful tools that can help us defeat any poor perception that we may have of ourselves is to shift the focus away from us and onto finding and supporting the inner beauty in others.
When we interact and lift others up, it has a ripple effect – it comes back and adds fresh perspective to our own being.
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” – Audrey Hepburn
Toss Out Media-Defined Ideas of Beauty
The idea of beauty has changed throughout history, and it always differs between cultures. There is no “ideal” beauty. It does not exist.
Social media and the internet do impact self-image with unrealistic beauty standards, such as the false idea that we must look as young as possible for as long as possible.
While self-care is always the gold standard for taking good care of our skin and bodies, there is an innate amount of pressure applied in today’s virtual world to be the perfect something that we are not designed to be.
What should we do? Throw away the media-defined ideas of beauty!
Take a break from social media or get away from it completely. Limit any factors that trigger feelings of negativity, including magazines or television. Any media that leads you to feel less than good enough – get rid of it!
Practice Self-Care
Self-care practices aren’t just about eating healthy, exercising, or drinking adequate fluids, even though all these practices are important to our mental and physical health, and therefore, how we look.
Other important methods include pampering yourself and focusing on a sense of peace!
Pamper yourself – be comfortable. Wear clothing that you not only like, but that you are comfortable in.
Go without makeup when you want, and do not hide behind closed doors when doing so. Take the pressure off.
Make being comfortable from head to toe a habit.
Engage in activities that promote a sense of peace. Remember how we talked about showing vitality through one’s eyes? This is where it starts!
Engage in activities, such as Different Types of Massage (here) that help to promote relaxation, relieve stress, raise your energy level, and improve circulation and flexibility.
Feeling Good – Embracing Natural Beauty
We cannot change the world – it may always promote a false and unrealistic image of beauty.
But we can shift the paradigm in our own self from negative beauty expectations to embracing our natural beauty, which comes from the depths of who we really are.
This is what we want others to see. This is what we want to build in ourselves, and to teach to others – especially younger women.
We want you to feel good.
We love you and we want you to experience the beauty of stress and pain-free relaxation.
If you live in the Austin, Texas area, or even if you plan to visit (we hope that you do!), we invite you to come in and experience the wonderful stress-relieving and rejuvenating benefits of massage and salt therapy.