Touch Starvation
We have been forced to bury our innate human need to reach out and touch someone, or to be touched, and it has resulted in an uptick in a mental health condition called touch starvation.

5 Ways Massage Makes You Feel Better
What if you felt less anxiety in your life today, or perhaps more energy? Doesn’t that sound great? We can all use some of that!

I Feel Like My Life is Out of Control
Our lives can sometimes spiral downwards and make us feel like we’re not in control. So how do we gain it back every time it happens?

Finding Peace in the Aftermath of 2020
Are you ready for finding peace in the coming New Year? It may feel like 2020 has been the worst year ever with the pandemic, political tension, and talk of economic faltering, but we can usher the remnants of this out from the core of our being by finding peace and learning to let go…each […]

Massage and the Mental Health Connection
Our everyday lives are sometimes chock full of stress, worry, and pain, and this can begin to feel normal and affect our mental health without us knowing it. The good news is that we have access to many alternative methods today that can boost our mental health. One proven effective practice is massage. What is […]