Last-Minute ‘Austin Local’ Gifts for Her!
Are you looking for last-minute gifts for a special ‘her’ in your life? Holiday shopping may seem a bit different this year with the pandemic still in our midst, but there is a positive side to not being a part of the crowds at the mall and big chain stores. You love and support Austin, […]

Finding Peace in the Aftermath of 2020
Are you ready for finding peace in the coming New Year? It may feel like 2020 has been the worst year ever with the pandemic, political tension, and talk of economic faltering, but we can usher the remnants of this out from the core of our being by finding peace and learning to let go…each […]

Black Friday Savings at Sage Blossom!
First of all, we want to remind you that although it may feel like it is, Christmas isn’t canceled this year. Sure, a lot of our birthdays, weddings, trips, and events may have been postponed to make way for social distancing and community quarantines but no matter how difficult and isolating the pandemic is, we […]

How Does Self-Care Help Eliminate Anxiety, Fear, and Lack of Focus?
Ok, I’m SO with you. The stress, the fear, the feeling of stagnation and lack of focus and motivation. What should you do about it? Baby steps in the right direction can make a world of difference, and I want to share what I’ve been doing the last few days (and the next few) to […]

How to Recognize and Manage Stress
Some of us experience extended periods of health-consuming stress in our lives and we do not recognize it. What does stress look like to you?

How Often Should You Get a Massage?
Life is busy, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves but the best way to maintain your health is by being consistent with self-care, including scheduled massages.

Anxiety and Stress Relief!
Massage helps you manage your stress and anxiety so you can breathe easier, sleep better, and feel more at peace. “Regular massage therapy effectively reduces anxiety, improves emotional resilience and enhances feelings of general well-being in anxious patients.” (Lake 2018) How does it work? Massage changes the electrical activity in your brain, decreases levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and […]

Extended until October 1st Let’s get to some HEALING! Two, same time massages in different rooms is a yes! Both Locations MONTH OF THANKS We’re super excited to GIVE BACK this month. We are SO PROUD of the way our community has come together to bring our numbers down. YOU ROCK! We are SO THANKFUL to our loyal members […]

Massage and the Mental Health Connection
Our everyday lives are sometimes chock full of stress, worry, and pain, and this can begin to feel normal and affect our mental health without us knowing it. The good news is that we have access to many alternative methods today that can boost our mental health. One proven effective practice is massage. What is […]