Couple’s Massage BOGO!

You and your favorite somebody deserve some TLC!
Buy one massage, any length and get the second for 50% off when you come in together! Can be done in our couple’s massage room at Oak Hill, or in separate rooms at either south Austin location. Must be booked in August.
We’re super excited to GIVE BACK this month.
I am SO PROUD of the way our community has come together to bring our numbers down.
I am SO THANKFUL to our loyal members and clients that have kept ALL of our team employed, fed, and busy.❤️
We’re doing lots of fun things so be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook! @sageblossommassage
MANY Safety Precautions Include:
ONLY AT SAGE BLOSSOM: Medical grade True Hepa filters with a virus killing UV light, in every treatment room, lobby, and break room.
Regular full room UV sanitation for Sauna and Salt Therapy rooms
All services will be scheduled 30 min apart to allow time for extra disinfection in between and to have as few people in the building as possible.
All employees and guests must wear masks.
Masks can be removed for private salt and infrared sauna sessions
Hospital grade disinfectant will be used throughout with extra team training for proper use, safety, and cross contamination.
We want to stay well. We want you to stay well. We want to HELP you stay well!!