The Super Simple Key To Living a Happier, Healthier and Longer Life
What if I told you that you could live a happier, healthier and even longer life – and that the way to do it was super easy? Well, it’s true. Multiple studies have shown that one simple thing can improve your physical and mental health and even help you to live longer.

How to Stick to Your Fitness Plan: 5 Tips for Staying Motivated
If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s Resolution, you’re not alone. One survey found that 55% of respondents kept their New Year’s resolution for less than a year, with 11% lasting less than a month.
If you’ve given up on your fitness goals for this year, you don’t have to wait until the new year to get back on track. It’s never too late to start over.

5 Apps That Can Help You Get Into an Exercise Routine
You can use the old pen-and-paper method for tracking your exercise routine, or you can use an app and claim it as your accountability coach. Here are 5 apps that can help you achieve success with your exercise routine.