Is Stress Making Me Forgetful?

I left my phone on the kitchen counter this morning, and then I drove to work. I had something in my hand when I rushed out of the house and got into my car, what was it? It definitely was not my phone.
I have been so forgetful lately! It feels like I am having these moments on repeat…stressed, forgetful, and more stressed because of the forgetfulness. Is it all related?
First of all, we do understand how you feel, and it is no fun at all! Secondly, yes, forgetfulness is often related to stress.
Cortisol and Stress
When we are feeling anxious, our bodies respond by releasing a natural stress hormone – cortisol. Cortisol is a helpful hormone because it keeps us alert and safe. For example, cortisol is released during the early morning hours which prepares our body to wake up and to be ready for the day.
The release of cortisol also helps us to react safely to danger when we are in fearful situations.
The problem that resides between too much stress and the release of cortisol is that overexposure to cortisol can disrupt many of our body’s processes, leaving us with an increased risk of health problems, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, skin problems, muscle weakness, mood swings, depression, irritability, and ANXIETY!
The overabundance of cortisol caused by chronic anxiety can lead to changes in the brain, especially as we age, such as decreased short-term memory.
We want calm, not added stress – and we want to protect our brain and prevent short-term memory loss! Right?
Ways to Reduce Stress
Just in time for the holiday season (as we write this), which many of us find stressful, let’s talk about some simple mind measures and self-care that we can engage in to reduce our stress levels and the effect that it can have on our bodies.
Make a list
Take a close look at your daily life. Are there any particular things adding to increased stress levels in your life? Make a list of whatever stresses you and determine what you can improve or eliminate from your life. Remember the age-old adage, change what you can change and let go of what you cannot. Letting go = releasing from your mind.
Just be you
Women especially, tend to try to be everything to everyone. We are at our best when we are just being ourselves. Let the pressure off and just be you. Not only let this be your daily practice but let it form into a mindset. You are enough – just be you.
“When we realize that the best we have to bring to any situation is being just who we are, we relax.” – Anne Wilson Schaef
Practice mindfulness
It is like a disease, a population (all of us) that try to accomplish everything all at once. Reduce stress by living in the moment. Stop and breathe in the air. Listen to what surrounds you. Put down your phone. Absorb nature. Let the rush of the world float away and focus on what is directly at your fingertips. One thing and one moment at a time. Savor it.
Stress is going to play havoc on our bodies as long as we don’t rest enough, don’t sleep enough, don’t eat well, and when we don’t give ourselves time to just be.
On a positive note, when we are deliberate and ensure that we take care of our mind and body…we sleep well, we engage in relaxing activities that we love, and we eat right, as well as exercise, and we avoid imbibing in toxins – stress is swept out of our mind, body, and soul.
Two More Ways to Reduce Stress
If you are experiencing stress, and especially if you are dealing with some of the side effects of chronic stress, we have ways at Sage Blossom Massage to help you.
Salt Therapy
The benefits of salt therapy, or halotherapy, are more than skin-deep! How does this work? Salt absorbs impurities and provides anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties that benefit the skin. Smaller particles can reach beneath the skin’s surface and absorb moisture.
The dry salt of halotherapy accelerates cell rejuvenation and improves the surface of the skin.
Sometimes when we are stressed, we experience some surprising effects, which include breathing difficulties, dermal flare-ups, allergies, and more – salt therapy can help!
Related: How Salt Therapy Can Help With Your Commute Stress
One of the top benefits of massage is stress relief. Massage helps to heighten blood circulation which signals our body to increase its relaxation-inducing hormones and endorphins. This acts as a natural tonic as it reduces anxiety and decreases stress and tension—naturally improving our mental health.
Dopamine, a brain chemical that greatly affects mental health, is released during a massage. Dopamine acts as a deterrent to anxiety as it naturally reduces cortisol levels in our bodies.
We Want to Help
We want to help you focus on self-care and your own body. We want to help you get into a deserving place of relaxation! We can never say these words enough –We love you and we want to help you reduce stress!
We want you to feel good, and that means free of anxiety and pain!
If you live in the Austin, Texas area, or even if you plan to visit (we hope that you do!), we invite you to come in and experience the wonderful stress-relieving and rejuvenating benefits of massage and salt therapy.