Hot Tips To Stay Cool This Summer!

By Tori F.
It’s almost that time again! Warmer weather is upon us here in Austin. While Summer doesn’t technically start for a few more weeks, there are a few tricks you can adopt NOW so you’re not fighting to stay cool during those toasty summer months.
Did you know?
Heat-related injuries like heat stroke and heat exhaustion can come on as quickly as 15 minutes once the body reaches 106 degrees. For certain groups like the elderly and young children, heat exhaustion can be very serious and cause long-term damage to the body. It’s important to take the sun seriously! Some signs of heat related illness include:
- Confusion, altered mental status, slurred speech
- Loss of consciousness (coma)
- Hot, dry skin or profuse sweating
- Seizures
- Very high body temperature
Taking steps to avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion this summer can help you and your family enjoy the sunshine safely! Here are some tips and tricks to stay cool no matter where you are this year:
Of course we all know how necessary sunscreen and proper clothing are during warmer weather! But what about how we can stay cool when we’re not outside??
- Avoid running your oven and keeping lights on during the day. Keeping the lights on and using the oven during the day can heat up your house by up to five degrees. Skip the oven and stick to fresh salads, fruits, and simple meals that don’t require much cook time!
- Freeze your fruits! Frozen melon, grapes, and bananas are a great treat during the spring and summer (especially when you add chocolate!). They can also be used for frozen fruit smoothies, which are a refreshing treat and a great source of vitamins and nutrients.
- Make a cool compress. Wet a towel or neck wrap and pop it in the fridge or freezer for 10-15 minutes. Pro tip: adding menthol based essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus will give an added cooling effect! Wrap the towel around your neck and take some deep breaths. Wrapping your neck area will help expedite cooling to the rest of your body. Peppermint compresses are also great if you suffer from headaches!
- Your clothing matters. Wearing light, loose, breathable clothing will help your body regulate its temperature in the heat. Shirts with long sleeves that have UV protection are great for days spent outside for long periods. While athleisure is comfortable and lightweight, it can be constricting, which can lead to uncomfortable sweating and chafing. If you sweat easily, opt for moisture wicking fabrics or breathable fabrics like cotton.
- Stay hydrated! This seems like a no brainer, but dehydration is the number one cause of heat related illnesses. The suggested amount of water intake for men is about 3.7 liters per day, and 2.7 liters for women per day. Get creative with your water! Add seasonal fruits such as berries or melon to your water for a subtle boost of flavor!
Symptoms of dehydration include:
- A dry mouth
- Dizziness or confusion
- Headaches
If untreated, dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion.
Beat The Heat With Self Care
It’s no secret that seasonal depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder or, SAD) does not discriminate. But did you know SAD can happen in reverse for some groups? We normally think of seasonal depression as having low moods during the winter months where we aren’t seeing the sun as often. But for some people in hot climates, the summers are actually more troublesome than the winters!
Hot climates like central Texas saw 80 days of 100 degree heat in 2023. With weather this hot, a lot of groups were encouraged to stay home, enjoy the AC, and avoid the sun at the peak hours of the day. While this is great for staying cool, it can be isolating staying inside so many days in a row with no physical activity.
There are a lot of factors that can contribute to summer depression aside form the heat. According to WebMD, some other causes of the summer blues can include:
- Disrupted schedules
- Body image issues
- Financial struggles
- Longer days
- Disrupted sleep schedule
While these factors are sometimes unavoidable, they aren’t permanent! Practice self care when the heat rolls around and make sure to lean on your loved ones if you’re experiencing summer depression!
- Plan ahead. Make your meal plans and shop for clothing before the heat hits!
- Set a sleep schedule – and stick to it!
- Keep up with your exercise, even if it’s inside. Regular movement (even indoors) can help keep depression symptoms at bay.
- Don’t overdo dieting and exercise. Stick to what works for you and your body. Look for seasonal produce to keep your summer menu rotating!
- Don’t overbook yourself with vacations and trips. Remember to schedule time just for you.
- Call a friend. Remember to reach out for help if you need it.
Keep Cool This Summer at Sage Blossom Massage
Before the summer heat catches up to us, save these tips for a healthier, happier summer! See you at Sage Blossom soon. 🙂
Use promo code DADROCKS in our online store for 10% off through the end of June. Treat a friend or treat yourself! You deserve it 😉