Three Therapies for Menopause and Perimenopause Relief – Salt, Sauna, and Massage!

Are you frustrated with the information available online about menopause?
Menopause is something that affects just about every woman, but every woman’s story isn’t the same. Some of us go through the annoying and sometimes painful symptoms of menopause earlier in life.
I spent a ton of time researching menopause symptoms, treatments, and self-care options, and where did it get me? Disgusted!
I do not have a disease that needs to be cured and mitigated. It is menopause, a natural part of a woman’s life.
Much of the information that I found online is geared towards older women, and the overall focus is on how to feel normal and how to retain youthfulness.
What happens to us younger women who are looking for natural ways to relieve the symptoms of menopause and to feel our very best?
HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is a typical medical response for the symptoms of menopause, but many of us either cannot or do not want to utilize that option.
We have family histories of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer, therefore, we want to avoid any medication that comes with high-level warnings!
The typical advice to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause (the four to eight-year timeframe before a woman stops menstruating) and menopause (after a woman stops menstruating for at least one year) includes getting more sleep, drinking more water, getting more exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, and reducing stress.
Well, duh, that is self-care…and we’re already doing that! Just how do we get real holistic relief?
Holistic Modalities (Salt, Sauna, and Massage) that Relieve Menopause Symptoms
The good news is that salt, sauna, and massage therapies can help us not only cope with menopause and perimenopause symptoms, but each provides genuine relief for:
Inflammation is a painful symptom during the menopausal transition. Blame it on the decline of estrogen!
Inflammation shows up in our body with swelling and pain, especially in the joints.
Massage forces blood flow, removes toxins, and decreases levels of the hormone arginine-vasopressin, which can reduce inflammation and lower our blood pressure.
Infrared sauna also reduces inflammation through a mix of detoxification throughout the body, as well as increased circulation, a release of natural painkillers, and resulting stress relief.
Skin Breakouts
You aren’t a teenager anymore, so why in the world are you breaking out worse than you did when you were 13?
Blame it on two things – stress and hormones!
Back to the good news…salt therapy and sauna can help!
Both modalities decrease toxins both on the skin surface and in underlying tissues, balance our hormone levels, and decrease stress, all of which are winning factors in clearing up skin problems.
When we reach a certain age (and I refuse to call it old!), we tend to believe that our PMS (premenstrual syndrome) will get better. Not so much.
Worsening PMS often appears with perimenopause, and it sticks with us until menopause arrives.
What can you do? Get a massage!
A high percentage of women suffer from PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, anxiety, and mood swings. Can we say miserable? Yes!
Massage helps to relieve uncomfortable bloat and water retention through increased circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Cramping is also often on the increase when we are perimenopausal. Ugh.
Massage can help with muscle tension, and that includes cramping of interior muscles as it assists in the release of endorphins which help you to feel good and are a natural pain killer.
What is that sense, like a dark cloud, that hangs over us as we cycle (regular or not) with PMS?
The release of natural endorphins through massage not only reduces pain within the body, but it also decreases anxiety and improves the overall mood!
Hot Flashes
Pesky, pesky, and pesky…hot flashes.
They come on when we least expect them, especially us ladies living in the heart of Texas.
There is not enough ice water in the world, it seems, to relieve one of those hot episodes when it hits.
What can we do?
Infrared sauna may seem like the least likely therapy for reducing hot flashes, but it has helped many women suffering from intense symptoms of menopause.
Infrared sauna can help decrease stress levels, boost circulation, decrease toxins, all of which help to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats.
Don’t Forget Relaxation
Girl, just relax.
Sometimes, what we need in life is relaxation. It can be hard to come by. Right?
Relaxation can help us battle feelings of brain fog, anxiety, and irritability, and relieve aches and fatigue brought on by stress.
Relaxation boosts our overall sense of wellbeing. It also boosts our immune system. We want that.
Relaxation is one of the top benefits of salt, sauna, and massage therapies.
Not Your Mother’s Menopause
We could go on endlessly about the benefits of salt, sauna, and massage therapy in reducing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, but we’ll stop here.
We are just elated to have choices in our lives…our menopause symptoms don’t have to look like they did for our mother (or grandmothers).
We do not want you to waste any precious time researching how to feel better. We have a way to help you!
We invite you to indulge in our newest service, the Sage Blossom Stretch! Find out more about our stretch therapy and book your first appointment here.