5 Reasons To Go Makeup-Free for One Week – Or Longer!

Makeup can feel uncomfortable on our delicate facial skin, or downright oppressive in the Texas summer heat 🥵 – so why do so many women feel the need to wear it? How can you shift from those societal norms and do what makes you feel good, and feel happy about it?
5 Reasons To Go Makeup-Free
Some women love wearing makeup. It makes them feel good about themselves or gives them an outlet for self-expression and that’s great! But if you’re wearing makeup every day because you’re self-conscious or you think that it’s just the ‘normal’ thing to do, you might be wearing it for the wrong reasons.
Curious about going au natural? Here are 5 good reasons you should give it a try.
1. Improve Your Skin Health and Appearance
Makeup = Clogged Pores
The most obvious reason to go makeup-free is that it will improve the look and feel of your skin. While certain skincare products like cleansers penetrate the skin, makeup just sits on top of it. When you use makeup, especially thicker substances that cover larger portions of skin, like concealer and foundation, you’re covering your skin with a barrier that can clog pores and lead to acne.
Hadley King, M.D., an NYC dermatologist, says:
“Often, a barrier of makeup increases oil production, so not wearing makeup can decrease oiliness, clogged pores and pimples.”
Makeup Can Lead to More Bacteria On Your Skin
Acne isn’t the only way that makeup can be harmful to the skin. You might be exposing your skin to loads of bacteria each time you pick up your favorite makeup brushes. When’s the last time you cleaned your beauty tools? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. But experts recommend that you clean your brushes and sponges every 7-10 days if you use makeup daily or almost daily. If you use it less often, you can clean your tools less often. But cleaning them regularly is super important.
The American Academy of Dermatology Association says:
“Dirty makeup brushes can cause an infection, such as a fungal infection, E. coli, or a staph infection, which can be very serious.”
Let me just say: 🤢
So, if you wear makeup regularly, clean your tools – and don’t share with friends.
Some Makeup Is Toxic
In the U.S., the FDA doesn’t have to approve cosmetic ingredients. That means your precious, precious skin could be absorbing all kinds of chemicals.
Some of these chemicals can cause serious health issues like:
- cancer
- endocrine disorders, which affect your hormone production
- developmental delays
- neurological problems
Check the labels of your favorite products to make sure they don’t any of these potentially dangerous ingredients:
- Talc – often found in powders. It’s safe to use, but can be contaminated with asbestos, since they’re both minerals that are found close together in nature
- Triclosan – found in some over-the-counter cosmetics. May affect thyroid hormones and contribute to antibiotic resistance
- Phthalates – found in some nail polishes, hair sprays and fragrances – they can mess with your hormones and are linked to breast cancer
- Parabens – used in some makeup as a preservative. They can enter the body and mimic estrogen and are linked to breast cancer
- Formaldehyde (yes, the stuff your high school science class frog was preserved in) – found in some cosmetics. Can cause allergic reactions and irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. Some studies have also linked it with cancer
- Carbon black – it gives coloring to some mascaras, eye liners, and lipsticks. It’s also been linked to cancer
2. Your Eyelashes Might Actually Look Fuller
Maybe you wear mascara in the hopes that those promises from the commercials will turn out to be true. When the current It Girl looks straight at you from your TV and tells you that thicker, fuller and sexier lashes are possible with insert-product-here, you want to believe it (Also, who decided that long, dark eyelashes were ultra feminine? Probably the same people who decided we should always draw girls with eyelashes and boys with none).
FYI – Do you know why we have eyelashes? To quote Regina Specktor:
“I’ve got a perfect body, though sometimes I forget
I’ve got a perfect body cause my eyelashes catch my sweat”
(They also keep dirt and debris out of our eyes, but that’s not as catchy).
The truth is that wearing too much mascara can cause breakage. So can wearing it to bed or not removing it gently enough.
Dermatologist Nadia Kihiczak, M.D. says that if you skip the mascara for a month, you’ll also be skipping irritation and rubbing. That means less lashes will fall out and the density of your eyelashes will normalize – leading to thicker looking lashes.
3. Your Fine Lines Will Be Less Noticeable
Makeup settles into the fine lines of your face, making them stand out more. This means that the very perceived imperfections you were trying to hide become more noticeable – yikes!
4. Save Time and Effort
It’s a no-brainer that not wearing makeup saves time. If your morning routine has you stressing, skipping makeup (or just reducing the amount you wear) can help. And you know that the more pressed for time you are, the more prone you are to make a mistake – like smudging your eyeliner – that just makes you run even later.
5. Be Yourself
In an article for Byrdie, real women were asked why they choose not to wear makeup. Several noted that, for them, makeup is about hiding something – and going sans makeup is about being who they really are.
Some of the responses include:
“I’ve come to love my natural look instead of hiding behind makeup.” – Caroline, 24
“I enjoy the feeling of having the same look when I wash up at the end of the day as I did when I woke up that morning.” – Enki, 22
“I wear less makeup because of my freckles. If I covered them up, I wouldn’t be or feel the same.” – Jane, 30
Be Unapologetically You To Live a Happier Life
Being yourself is one of the best ways to live a truly happy life, whether that means showing off your freckles by skipping the foundation or showing off your sense of fun with winged eyeliner or purple lipstick.
But it’s not that simple, is it? Being yourself takes courage. The fear of change is a common one, but when you have faith in yourself, your strengths and your abilities, you really can do just about anything.
Ready to breathe new life into your skin?
Go makeup-free for a week, two weeks or even a month – and try Salt Therapy at our Oak Hill location. Regular Salt Therapy sessions can improve the look and feel of skin. Salt is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and absorbs impurities in the skin. The medical-grade salt used in Salt Therapy accelerates cell rejuvenation and improves skin texture, leaving the skim plump and soft.
Salt Therapy can help with:
- Acne
- Aging skin
- Dry and flaky skin
- Eczema
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Dermatitis