5 Reasons To Go Makeup-Free for One Week – Or Longer!
Some women love wearing makeup. It makes them feel good about themselves or gives them an outlet for self-expression and that’s great! But if you’re wearing makeup every day because you’re self-conscious or you think that it’s just the ‘normal’ thing to do, you might be wearing it for the wrong reasons.

What’s the Best Skincare Regimen for Both Acne and Fine Lines and Wrinkles?
Many women in their 30s, 40s and even 50s still have acne. It’s also a time when we start to develop fine lines and, eventually, wrinkles. So, what do you do when your skin is suffering from both acne and signs of aging at the same time?

Raising a Daughter with Healthy Self-Esteem in Today’s World
Being a kid was difficult enough when we were growing up. Now, the big question for many of us is, what measures can we take to raise our daughters to have healthy self-esteem in today’s world?