The Super Simple Key To Living a Happier, Healthier and Longer Life
What if I told you that you could live a happier, healthier and even longer life – and that the way to do it was super easy? Well, it’s true. Multiple studies have shown that one simple thing can improve your physical and mental health and even help you to live longer.

15 “Healthy” Habits That Are Actually Kind of Bad for You
When it comes to what’s good or bad for us, we hear so much conflicting information. You might read in the news that a certain food or practice is healthy, but then a few years later new research finds that it’s really not. No wonder we don’t always know what’s good for us! If you’re not sure if your habits are really healthy, check out this list of so-called “healthy” habits that actually aren’t so good for you.

Meditation: What’s It All About and Does It Actually Work?
Most people know one thing about meditation: that it involves clearing your mind. No wonder people find it so intimidating! Who can completely clear their mind? Well, it takes some time, but you can do it with meditation.

5 Apps That Can Help You Get Into an Exercise Routine
You can use the old pen-and-paper method for tracking your exercise routine, or you can use an app and claim it as your accountability coach. Here are 5 apps that can help you achieve success with your exercise routine.