Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Sale – Save on Gift Certificates

Black Friday has become synonymous with savings – and chaos. Why not avoid the crowds, stay home, and still save money? Our gift certificates are 15% off for a limited time, so you can get your holiday shopping done early, and at a discount. Go ahead and have your cake and eat it, too. 🍰
5 Reasons to Give Sage Blossom Massage Gift Certificates This Holiday Season
You might think gift certificates are impersonal, but they’re the perfect gift for just about anyone – from your office Secret Santa (We always seem to get someone we barely know, don’t we?😒) to that special someone. Here are five reasons you should consider giving Sage Blossom Massage gift certificates this year:
1. Simplicity and Convenience
Sage Blossom gift certificates are easier, both for the giver and the receiver. They can be purchased directly from our gift certificate website and can be printed right at home, emailed, or even texted to the recipient.🥳If you want to mail the gift certificate, you can do that, too! Simply print and mail. A gift certificate fits nicely inside a holiday card, and a gift that shows you care about their health and happiness makes a heartfelt card even more special and appreciated.
2. Give a Gift They Won’t Buy Themselves
Many people won’t buy a massage or other treatment for themselves. This is often especially true for women, who are more likely to put others before them. Do you know someone who always cares for others and neglects themselves? This year, give them the gift of self-care.
3. It’s a Stocking Stuffer They’ll Actually Want
While small gifts like nail polish, lip balm, or candy will soon be used or forgotten, a spa gift certificate is the perfect stocking stuffer. It will be used, and probably soon, and the memory of the luxurious experience will go on long after the other stocking stuffers have been forgotten.
4. A Gift Certificate is the Perfect Supplement to a Bigger Gift
A gift certificate is the perfect add-on to a bigger gift. In a self-care themed gift basket, for example, a Sage Blossom Massage gift certificate will be the star of the show.
5. Last Minute Gifts Ready at a Moment’s Notice
When you buy a gift certificate from Sage Blossom Massage, it never hurts to keep an extra one on hand. When you inevitably realize you’ve forgotten someone on your list, instead of panicking, simply access your gift certificate and print, email, mail or text it. Or you can always just keep it for yourself!
Here’s the Code for 15% Off Your Gift Certificate
You can use the code BLACKFRIDAY2022 on our gift certificate website during the Black Friday and Small Business Saturday sale, beginning on Thanksgiving day, Thursday, November 24th, 2022 at 6 pm, through Tuesday, November 29th, 2022, at 8 am.
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