Gua ShaMenchaca Rd, Oak Hill, & Anderson Mill

Gua Sha is a technique used in traditional Asian medicine to treat muscle pain and tension. Gua Sha also helps with chronic pain, boosts circulation, and can also help with lymphatic drainage.
*We use Gua Sha for tissue release in the body, NOT facial massage/modification*
What is Gua Sha? Gua Sha, the term for Chinese scraping method, has been known for hundreds of years as a healing modality. “Gua” refers to rub, or massage and “Sha” refers to heat and moving energy. First recorded in practice during the ming Dynasty between 1368 – 1644, the terms coining, scraping and spooning have also been used to describe this work.
Gua Sha helps to break down scar tissue and connective tissue, improving movements in joints and increasing flexibility in muscles.
The treatment involves using a tool to rub against the skin in long strokes, applying enough pressure to create small abrasians to the body, such as the bruises caused by Gua Sha, sometimes known as microtrauma. The microtrauma create conditions for the body to begin a new healing process and lay down new healthy tissue with increased circulation.
The treatment do not have any serious side effects but is not suitable for those with certain medical conditions (see list below)